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Aspects of creation of the bands

Aspects of Creation of The Brands

Aspects of Creation of The Brands

Aspects of Creation of The Bands

1. Physical Goods

 Goods are tangible since people can touch, feel or see it before they buy.  These are traditionally associated with brands and include many of the best known and highly regarded consumer products.  As more and more different kinds of products are being sold or at least promoted directly to the consumers,  the adoption of  modern marketing  practices and branding has spread further.  More and more Companies selling industrial products for durable products to other companies are recognising the benefits of developing strong brands.


 A service is the non material equivalent of a good.  Service provision is an economic activity that does not result in ownership,  and this is what differentiates it from providing physical goods.  Although there have been strong service brands for years,  the pervasiveness  and a level of sophistication and branding services has accelerated in the past decade.

3.People and Organizations

 Brands extend beyond products and services.  People and organizations also can be viewed as brands.  The naming aspects of a brand is generally straightforward in this,  and people and organisations also often have well defined images understood and liked or disliked by others.  This fact  becomes particularly true when considering public figures such as politicians and entertainers and professional athletes. 

4.Retailers and Distributors 

 To the retailers or other channel members distribution protect, brand provide a number of important function brand can generate consumer interest, patronage, and loyalty in a store ,and consumer learn to expect certain interest , certain and products from to store  To the extent that ‘’You Are What You Sell’’, brands help to create an image and establish a positioning for the store. Retailers can also create their own bands image by attaching unique associations to the quality of their quality of their service , their product assortment and merchandising ,and their pricing and credit policy.

5.Geographic Locations

 Places-  set, , states,  regions,  and whole Nations, –  completed actively to attract tourists factories company headquarters and new residents.  Geographical locations, Like products and people can be branded.  In this case,  the brand name is relatively fixed by the actual name of the location.  The power of branding is in making people aware of the location and then linking desirable associations.  Increased mobility of both people and business and growth in the tourism industry has contributed to the rise of place marketing.  The goals of these types of campaigns  are to create awareness and a favorable image of location that will entice temporary visits and permanent moves from individuals and businesses alike. 

6.Online Products and Services

The advent of online shopping came long ago but it become more prominent in the past five years with several online portals making a good business from regular online members who desired to buy most of their products online itself.  Even a country like India that it had never welcomed the online shopping friend so easily,  considering the bargaining and other factors,  has now opened its door to convenience of online shopping. 

7. Entertainment,  Supports and Arts

 A special case of marketing people and organisations as brand,  is the arts and entertainment industry.  Sports marketing has become highly sophisticated  in recent years,  employing traditional packaged goods techniques.  No longer content to allow Wan loss records to dictate attendance levels and financial fortunes,   many sports teams  are being marketed through a creative communication of advertising,  promotion,  sponsorship, And other forms of communication.

8. Ideas and Causes

 Finally,  numerous  ideas and causes have become branded,  especially by non profit organizations.  These ideas and causes may be captured in phrase or slogan and even be represented by symbols (AIDS).  The idea and more visible and concrete, branding can  provide much value.  Cause marketing increasingly involves sophisticated marketing practices to attempt  in to inform or persuade consumers about the issues surrounding a course. 


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